Feng Shui Tips These Plants Brings Positive Energy And Good Luck In House

Feng Shui Tips These Plants Brings Positive Energy And Good Luck In House

Feng Shui Tips: Feng Shui is a Chinese architectural science which is used to bring happiness and prosperity in home and office. In Feng Shui, many important measures have been suggested to keep the environment of the house and surrounding areas positive. Using them brings wealth and property into the house. Fengshai also mentions some special trees and plants which are considered very auspicious to plant in the house. Let us know about these special plants.

snake plant

It is an indoor plant. It is considered very auspicious to install it in home or office. Snake plant works to purify the environment. It works to eliminate viruses and many other germs present in the environment. It makes the air of the house pollution free. It looks beautiful. Applying it also brings positive energy in the house. Planting a snake plant in the house improves the financial condition. This plant works to provide mental peace.

bamboo plant

In Feng Shui, this plant is considered a factor of prosperity, happiness, peace and energy. Keeping a bamboo plant in the house brings good luck. This plant brings happiness and prosperity to the house. It is believed that by applying it, the health of the family members remains good. Planting this plant also provides profit in business. It is believed that keeping it tied with a red thread increases the chances of wealth growth. It is auspicious to keep the bamboo plant in the main south-east or east direction of the house. It should be kept in a blue or black colored pot.

money plant

According to Feng Shui, planting a money plant inside the house brings happiness, prosperity and wealth. In Feng Shui it is considered a symbol of auspiciousness and increase of wealth. Installing it in home or office improves the financial condition. In Feng Shui, placing a money plant in the north, east or north-east is considered auspicious as it promotes the energy of wealth. It is believed that the more this plant spreads, the greater the financial gain. Money plant brings positive energy to the house.

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Perform Havan with this method in Ashtami-Navami, you will get the blessings of Mata Rani.

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